When I've been asked: "If you could be anything or do anything that wasn't what you're doing now, what would you do/be?" My reply? "I'd be queen."
I think I'd be good at it. I'd love all the glamorous aspects of getting to wear pretty dresses and getting your hair done. But I think I also would like the responsibility too. The power to make change happen and make the good changes. The ones that alter history and make justice happen.
In general I handle pressure well and I'm not easily manipulated, so I couldn't be tricked into much or forced into any arranged marriages that I didn't want. :)
"Just remember there's a price for being queen," Lori said to me earlier today.
The price of being queen? Can I even begin to grasp all that it would require of me?
Your life dictated from the moment you're born. What an awesome responsibility, but what a heavy burden as well. To always be told what to wear, when to eat, who to talk to, how to talk to them. There would never be any privacy so your whole life is on display for the public to nit pick and dissect. Everything subject because you represent your country, whether you like it or not.
No matter, because this was not meant to be my chosen profession nor my lifestyle, but I suppose in a very small way I will be queen of many things. My household, for one. I'm sure my husband won't appreciate that sentiment very much, but if he likes, I'll call him my "king". They kind of go hand-in-hand. And in that aspect of being queen of my little world, I'll have the same perks and demands on me as that of the Queen of England or Sweden. I'll get to wear pretty dresses and make changes in the world around me. I can make the same kinds of differences in the lives of those around me that I would if I was in charge of an entire country. Like most queens, as well, I'll be subject to the protocol that comes with being someone's wife. I wouldn't represent a country, but I will represent him. Everything I do must become subject to not only the fact that I represent Christ but I also represent my "king".
That's hard on my independence and pride. In fact, I can see how I will have moments when I just want to go where I want, do what I want, or say what I want and I can foresee how that will be a problem for me at times.
This is going to take a lot of work someday and I suppose I can get myself used to it now. Considering the fact that, no matter what, I know that my husband will be just as strong willed and opinionated as I am- so "clash of wills" might be an understatement.
I watch my mom handle this so graciously. The spit-fire inside of me thinks it's unfair at times, even though my dad is far from being an ogre of a husband, but in the small ways that she lays down her will to honor my dad and follow either his wishes or his mood swings (what? I know men have them too), she acts like a queen and through that she honors her God.
Being queen ultimately means that you dedicate your life to the lives of others- when it hurts and when it brings you glory. People will stand in awe and others will stand in criticism. *shrug* I guess that's just part of the job and if you think about it that's kind of what the "Proverbs 31 woman" is. But if I can get this through it all:
Your life dictated from the moment you're born. What an awesome responsibility, but what a heavy burden as well. To always be told what to wear, when to eat, who to talk to, how to talk to them. There would never be any privacy so your whole life is on display for the public to nit pick and dissect. Everything subject because you represent your country, whether you like it or not.
No matter, because this was not meant to be my chosen profession nor my lifestyle, but I suppose in a very small way I will be queen of many things. My household, for one. I'm sure my husband won't appreciate that sentiment very much, but if he likes, I'll call him my "king". They kind of go hand-in-hand. And in that aspect of being queen of my little world, I'll have the same perks and demands on me as that of the Queen of England or Sweden. I'll get to wear pretty dresses and make changes in the world around me. I can make the same kinds of differences in the lives of those around me that I would if I was in charge of an entire country. Like most queens, as well, I'll be subject to the protocol that comes with being someone's wife. I wouldn't represent a country, but I will represent him. Everything I do must become subject to not only the fact that I represent Christ but I also represent my "king".
That's hard on my independence and pride. In fact, I can see how I will have moments when I just want to go where I want, do what I want, or say what I want and I can foresee how that will be a problem for me at times.
This is going to take a lot of work someday and I suppose I can get myself used to it now. Considering the fact that, no matter what, I know that my husband will be just as strong willed and opinionated as I am- so "clash of wills" might be an understatement.
I watch my mom handle this so graciously. The spit-fire inside of me thinks it's unfair at times, even though my dad is far from being an ogre of a husband, but in the small ways that she lays down her will to honor my dad and follow either his wishes or his mood swings (what? I know men have them too), she acts like a queen and through that she honors her God.
Being queen ultimately means that you dedicate your life to the lives of others- when it hurts and when it brings you glory. People will stand in awe and others will stand in criticism. *shrug* I guess that's just part of the job and if you think about it that's kind of what the "Proverbs 31 woman" is. But if I can get this through it all:
"Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
'Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.'
Charm is deceptive and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
(Proverbs 31:28-30)
...I think the price of being queen might be worth it. ;)